4 Main Causes Of Sewer Damage

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Main Causes Of Sewer Damage

Indoor plumbing is nothing short of a miracle. Whenever you want clean, cold water to drink, all you have to do is turn on the tap; when you need to flush waste away, all you need to do is push a lever. Your plumbing system seamlessly provides clean water and disposes of waste water without ever mixing the two. At least, that’s what it’s supposed to do. Unfortunately, pipes don’t last forever, and when sewage pipes break, you’re faced with some nasty realities. 

Sewer water is more than disgusting — it’s dangerous. When you notice sewer water in your house or yard, you need to act immediately. Luckily, the Waxahachie plumbers at Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling & Heating are available 24/7 to help you out. Keep reading to learn the four main causes of sewer damage, as well as common warning signs of a sewer problem. 

Searching for the best plumbers in Waxahachie, TX? Look no further than the plumbing experts at Dial One Johnson. Schedule service online or give us a call at 469-240-5618.

What is Sewer Damage? 

Sewer damage is caused by sewer water backing up into your home, business or yard. When there’s a problem with your sewer lines, sewage can back up into sinks and drains or cause water damage in unseen areas of the home. Not only does sewer water damage wood and other home materials, but it can also carry harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. One of the first steps to repairing sewer damage is figuring out what caused it in the first place. 

1. Tree Roots 

A sewer line can break when it’s damaged from the inside or the outside. One of the biggest external causes of sewage damage is tree roots. Trees use their roots to search for water and nutrients, and as gross as it sounds, sewer lines contain both. As a result, tree roots will often grow near and around sewer lines, looking for a crack or opening. 

When a tree root finds an opening into the sewer line, it starts to grow inside of it. When this happens, a root can make a crack bigger or cause a pipe to break completely. A tree root can also block the flow of waste, causing it to back up into the home. Whenever tree roots damage or obstruct sewer lines, fixing the problem requires pipe replacement

2. Toilet Clogs

Sewer line damage can also happen from the inside of the pipe, primarily from clogs. Clogs are the most common type of internal pipe damage, and they generally result from a buildup of items that should never have been flushed. Despite their marketing, most sanitary products should not be flushed; the only truly “flushable” things are waste and toilet paper. 

Over time, things like debris, dirt, hair and grease can create clogs that are just too big to plunge away. To remove substantial clogs, you’ll need assistance from professional Waxahachie plumbers. The plumbers at Dial One Johnson can perform a camera pipe inspection to locate the clog and then take the appropriate steps to clear it. 

3. Rodent Infestation

The only thing worse than backed up sewer water or a mice infestation is both. Unfortunately, these two occasionally combine forces to make a truly unsettling situation. Rodents often use pipes to make their homes and nests. When rodents burrow near sewer lines, they can damage pipes, loosen joints and make small cracks worse. 

4. Wear and Tear

Even when tree roots, clogs and rodents aren’t involved, pipes eventually just break down. Constantly transporting water means that they’re susceptible to corrosion, mineral buildup, rust and damage. Pipes naturally become weaker over time, which means they’re more vulnerable when a tree root or rodent does try to intrude. 

There isn’t really a solution to natural wear and tear on pipes. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be vigilant about potential problems and schedule regular plumbing maintenance. Plumbing disasters rarely appear completely out of the blue — you’ll generally see warning signs along the way, especially if you schedule maintenance.

Warning Signs of Sewer Issues

Being a proactive homeowner means knowing the signs of a growing problem. Before you’re actually face-to-face with sewer damage, you’ll generally encounter at least one of these signs:

  • All your drains back up at once. If flushing your toilet causes all of your bathroom drains to gurgle or fill with water, there’s a good change that a main pipe is clogged. 
  • The lawn seems different. A damaged sewer line can cause indentations in the lawn, puddles, soggy patches or even extra green grass. 
  • You see new mold growth. If you’re finding new mold growth in your home, that means that there’s a new source of moisture around. Many times, this indicates a leak. 
  • Water drains more slowly. If the water is slow to drain from your sink and bathtub, there could be a clog in the drainage pipe. 
  • Your home has more pests. Rodents aren’t the only pests that will mess with your plumbing. Cockroaches and other bugs can enter your home through cracked pipes. 
  • You smell sewage. This is perhaps the most obvious warning sign. If you’re smelling sewage, that means there’s a sewage leak nearby. 

Plumbing issues (especially sewer issues) are more serious than most other home problems. Not only do they get bigger with time, but they can also result in catastrophic water damage and insidious mold growth, not to mention exposure to dangerous bacteria. If you think you have a sewer leak, call the Waxahachie plumbers at Dial One Johnson for emergency plumbing services. We’re available 24/7 to take your call. 

Trusted Waxahachie Plumbers

Wondering what makes Dial One Johnson so special? It’s simple: extraordinary customer service, professional repairs and genuine care for Texas homeowners. We also provide multiple financing options that allow our customers to get crucial services with no out-of-pocket expenses. Questions? Contact us online or give us a call at 972-291-0740.

Author Bio:
Sherrie Johnson-Hartsock
Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling & Heating is now owned and operated by Sherrie Johnson-Hartsock, with his grandson, Daniel Johnson, a third-generation plumber who is also the Service Manager.

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