Don’t Forget to Tune Up Your Furnace for Winter

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Tune Up Your Furnace for Winter

Furnace maintenance is one of the most important things that you can do before low temperatures start to kick in. Proper furnace maintenance is the key to a high efficiency and long-lasting system. When you get your furnace tuned up, you can feel confident that you will be comfortable and warm all winter long. 


The best time to schedule your furnace tune-up is the fall. This is because most customers wait to schedule their maintenance or repairs until winter. During fall, you may encounter lower prices and technicians are less likely to be booked up. Scheduling fall maintenance is incredibly important to the proper upkeep of your furnace. Continue reading to learn more about how furnace tune-up can provide many benefits. 


If you are ready to schedule a furnace tune-up, give our team at Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling and Heating a call at 972-291-0740.

Benefits of Fall Furnace Maintenance

While many homeowners choose to forego yearly furnace maintenance due to the cost, they may be causing more harm than good. There are many benefits to completing fall furnace maintenance: 


  • Safety: when it comes to furnaces, you need to be extra cautious. Furnaces produce deadly carbon monoxide as a byproduct of their heating process. If you have a cracked heat exchanger then your furnace may be leaking carbon monoxide into your home. Many furnaces also develop burner, combustion and limit switch issues. If these problems aren’t resolved right away then you may be at risk for fire and even explosion. A professional technician will be able to alert you to any safety issues that your furnace may have.
  • Preventative maintenance: the last thing that you want when temperatures drop is to turn on your furnace only to find out that it is broken. By scheduling a fall tune-up, the technician will be able to tell you if there are any issues that you need to take care of. If you neglect repairs, the damage could become worse and cause premature failure. Scheduling preventive maintenance will reduce the overall need for repairs and alert you to damages before they turn into larger expenses. 
  • Clean equipment: over time, dust and debris settles on your furnace. This will cause a rancid odor when the furnace becomes hot. The debris can also settle in the burners and clog them, causing ignition issues. During a furnace maintenance, the technician will clean off any dust and debris. The technician will also lubricate any moving parts. All of this will ensure that you remain comfortable in your home and your furnace functions efficiently during the winter. 
  • Higher efficiency: through fall heating services, you are increasing the efficiency of your system. Increased efficiency will make your furnace last longer and will reduce the need for unnecessary repairs. Better efficiency will also keep your energy bills low and your home comfortable. Many furnace issues are caused by inefficient systems. As they work harder, this causes connections to come loose, blowers to slip and more. Overall, maintenance makes your system work better and reduces your long-term expenses. 
  • Airflow: dirty air filters and ductwork can substantially slow airflow down. It’s important that you replace your filter often and get your ductwork inspected. When the airflow is burdened by dirty air filters and ductwork, it will decrease efficiency and cause your furnace to work harder. This could result in damages and unnecessary repairs. When your professional technician comes to provide maintenance you can request for them to clean our ductwork.

What You Can Do for Your Furnace

While professional maintenance is always best for your furnace, there are also many things that you can do for your furnace to keep it up to speed. Take a look at this list of maintenance tasks:


  • Replace your air filters once a month. The furnace has its own air filter that also needs to be replaced.
  • Keep a few feet of clearance around your furnace. Make sure there is an easy path to get to the shut off in the case of an emergency.
  • Locate and write down the emergency number for your gas company in the case of a carbon monoxide leak.
  • Replace the batteries in and test your carbon monoxide detector. If you have not already, install a carbon monoxide detector right next to your furnace and one inside of your home.
  • Complete a quick, visual inspection at least once a month and check for any visual damage.
  • Schedule regular maintenance at least once a year. 
  • Keep records of maintenance, heating repairs and replacements for warranty and insurance purposes.


When you complete these tasks you can have peace of mind that your furnace is in excellent shape.

Heating and Air Conditioning Duncanville, TX

Scheduling professional furnace maintenance and tune-up will ensure that your furnace is in top-notch shape before you turn it on for the winter. If you are looking for reliable HVAC service in Duncanville, no need to search “heating repair near me.” You will find everything you are looking for in Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling and Heating. 


Our team has the training and qualifications necessary to provide excellent service. We always stock our trucks with everything that one of our technicians might need on site. With over 50 years of industry experience under our belt, we have what it takes to handle all of your heating, plumbing and cooling needs. Our team is dedicated to providing only the best customer service and most high quality workmanship. 


When you hire Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling and Heating you can feel confident that your furnace will be working all winter long. At Dial One Johnson, we provide repairs, replacements and maintenance for a variety of heating, cooling and plumbing systems. We also provide emergency service in case you encounter a situation that needs to be resolved right away. 


To book an appointment with one of our skilled technicians, give us a call at 972-291-0740 or contact us online.

Author Bio:
Sherrie Johnson-Hartsock
Dial One Johnson Plumbing, Cooling & Heating is now owned and operated by Sherrie Johnson-Hartsock, with his grandson, Daniel Johnson, a third-generation plumber who is also the Service Manager.

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